Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Eagles Album???

WOW!! The Eagles new album "Long Road out of Eden" was originally released on a contract to only be sold at Wal Mart, Sam's Club, as well as their online property stores. The album was set to release at $11.88, however, now retailers from indie record stores to Virgin Mega stores are purchasing the album from Wal Mart and re-selling it in their stores for anywhere from $19 to $23. Apparently Soundscan is trying to control the issue by "weeding out" duplicate sales, which may have led to why the album sold a shockingly 711K albums the first week.

I'm so glad to represent a digital distribution site with no crazy rules or regulations.

Any thoughts?

1 comment:

benjamin edgar said...

far too much for an album I think. CD's will never go away they will just be more special and limited like vinyl I believe. There is so much unit shifting to make sales goals it's mind blowing. To have control over the music you create is much more worth it than having all these hands in the pie.