Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Ticket purchase = free download = Dave Matthews

Just days after I post about Elvis Costello being innovative in getting people to purchase his music, Dave Matthews jumps to it, with a new concept (not that new, Prince has done this in the past) of giving away his new album digitally for free with the purchase of a ticket to any of his concerts.

I personally feel that Dave Matthews fans are Dave Matthews fans, and their going to buy a concert ticket regardless, however I think this is a pretty cool bonus for the cult following of fans that Mr. Matthews has, and I'm sure they will much appreciate it.

Will this make him sell more tickets? Probably not, but what's the loss when you're selling out venues of 30,000 + capacities and selling thousands of t-shirts every night for $25.

Congrats to Dave Matthews for thinking outside of the box.

What will Best Buy do with all of the CD aisles they have in their stores in the near future? More washers/dryers? Vinyl?

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