This is really great stuff. David Byrne sits down with Thom Yorke, for Wired Magazine, to discuss everything we've been waiting to hear about from Thom himself: how they place value on music, what their record contracts really looked like, where Radiohead made its money, his thoughts on touring and its eco-impact, and of course...of course...his thoughts on their recent and oh-so-publicized "pay what you want for it" release.
A really, really, fascinating read. Check it out here.
Really cool to hear their perspective on these issues. It is so hard to put value on a method of distribution without inherently devaluing another... there seems to be a "can't we all just get along" approach that would make the most sense, where labels and artists are involved... but it does mean sacrifice on the part of the major lables.
Much like the TV Writer's strike that's going on... artists have long been exploited, and I think we're in a situation where the public now understands the importance of supporting artists. Good for us, I hope!
I agree - thats a really, really great way to look at it Josh, isn't there some sort of: 'can't we all get along, and maybe make a some small compromises?'
I have ben thinking alot lately how YouTube and blogs exists pretty symbiotically. Should a blog with very heavy traffic want to show a video, they can use YouTube to embed it on their blog...and they'll still get their direct traffic, and thus income from advertisers. YouTube gets the video, which is searchable from their direct site, and its ultimately growing their brand. Hmm...not sure how this directly relates to the music industry...but surely we've got creative minds out there that can help.
I, for one, don't believe though that the value of music will ever - ever - drop to zero as Techcrunch so often loves to talk about.
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